7 (More) Ways to Become a Better Leader

Good leaders don't just make commands.


Ever since I started looking back at my corporate career, which ended in 2001, I've found a wealth of experiences that have fueled my thinking.

One major realization? Leadership is often about applying the right idea at the right time. In my years managing teams both large and small, I sometimes dropped the ball in that regard--with a loud thud. In fact, there were so many lessons, I couldn't list them all in my first story about how to become a better leader. Here are seven more.

1. Be the first to volunteer

I was absolutely terrible at this. Did the toner need to be replaced in the printer? Or the coffee dumped out in the break room? I left those "lowly" jobs for someone else. Bad idea. By never volunteering to do the dirty work, I set myself up as a privileged dictator. Volunteering to do hard tasks or even demeaning work shows you are one of the team.

2. Confront laziness head on

I often let laziness slide with people on my team. After all, I was lazy myself at times, shoving paperwork into a bin and saving it for later or lingering in my cubicle instead of showing up early to meetings ready to work. It's a double whammy, though. As a leader, if you don't confront the unproductive employee, you are letting the problem get worse and you are letting everyone else know it is acceptable.

3. Stay late to develop relationships, not to finish reports

I did my share of TPS reports, sometimes into the late evening hours. (Shame on me for doing this when my kids were little, too.) Why was it so dumb? Because I was too focused on the task and not on the ultimate goal--that is, for everyone to be productive and happy at work. If I ever did stay late, I should have intentionally fostered better relationships.

4. Get worked up about competitor wins

I did get angry at times, but it was usually when there was a conflict over someone not completing their work or my own failings. What I should have done is get a little angry (in a controlled way) as a demonstration of my concern over getting trounced. At the time, I rarely brought up competitor wins, mostly because I had my own agenda for how to push my team forward. It would have been better to name the enemy.

5. Communicate both vision and tasks

Oh, I was good at delegating tasks and assigning work. After all, that was my main job, right? The leader is the one who gives the orders, or so I thought. What I failed to do was recognize how leadership is really as much about setting the vision as assigning work. Why is this task important? Who should do it? How does the task lead to a better outcome overall? I rarely asked those questions--or at least relayed the answers to my employees.

6. Move quick to provide the necessary tools

One of my strengths as a leader had to do with predicting technology advancements and business strategies. Big surprise, since that morphed into my job today. Still, while I could spot trends easily enough, I didn't often put that innovation on the desk of my employees. Sure, I crunched the numbers, wringing out every cent. That sometimes meant relying on old, outdated technology, business strategies, and tools for way too long.

7. Share the credit as deserved

There's a way to share credit as a limp gesture without much true conviction behind it, to merely acknowledge that other people contributed to your success. It's like the guy who reads a list of names at an award ceremony and then goes on to take all of the credit. I should have looked closer at who did the work on projects and made the most contributions. Instead of just "sharing" success and then taking the credit, I should have been more intentional about people getting specific accolades.

