25 Tools to Make Your Company Look Bigger Than It Is

Appearance is everything with consumers, who may trust large companies more than smaller ones. These platforms, websites, and apps can help.

Being a small company has its upsides. You're fast and nimble, and you don't have any bureaucracy mucking up your ability to get things done. However, being big has one advantage: increased credibility in the eyes of many consumers. So how can a small company appear bigger than it is?

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7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Business Negotiations

You usually make or lose more money per hour during negotiations than at any other time in your life. So don't blow it.

Whether you're negotiating the price of a massive contract, or a salary raise that comes with a new position, negotiating skills are essential in the business world. If you're unable to negotiate fairly, logically, and persuasively, you could jeopardize your career, or at least miss out on significant opportunities as a result.

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How to Earn Trust and Influence Anyone

Mastering the art of influence is crucial, whether you're leading a team, pitching a new project, or closing a sale.

Think about an idea that never saw the light of day. Think about the one that got away. What would have changed if you had pursued it differently?

Hopefully, there isn't a major chasm in your life or your work...but no doubt you can think of an idea that could have made a big impact had it materialized.

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7 Ways to Overcome Office Negativity

How to cultivate hope, not haters, in the workplace

We've all been stuck in work environments that suck the life out of us. In her book Freeing Yourself from Anxiety, Tamar E. Chansky, PhD, recalls asking her three-year-old niece Allison while driving home from the hospital how it felt to have a new baby brother. "It feels a lot like vomit," the three-year-old replied from her booster seat. That's pretty much how it feels to spend day after day in an unhealthy workplace.

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7 (More) Ways to Become a Better Leader

Good leaders don't just make commands.


Ever since I started looking back at my corporate career, which ended in 2001, I've found a wealth of experiences that have fueled my thinking.

One major realization? Leadership is often about applying the right idea at the right time. In my years managing teams both large and small, I sometimes dropped the ball in that regard--with a loud thud. In fact, there were so many lessons, I couldn't list them all in my first story about how to become a better leader. Here are seven more.

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6 Tools to Stay on Top of Your Competition

Tracking your competition's marketing efforts can definitely help you improve and refine your own.

Watch a few pregame interviews and inevitably a coach will say this about the other team: "We're not worried about what they will do. We're focused on playing our game. If we execute our game plan … we'll win."

The point? The competition doesn't matter: Do what you do, and do it incredibly well, and you will win.

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